Our club participates in many events throughout the year, here are some things we've been up to! 

We are also on social media, make sure to give us a follow to keep updated on Basque Club of Utah events and happenings.


Carmelite Fair 2024

The annual Carmelite Fair was held on September 15th. The Utah'ko Triskalariak put on an amazing performance and we can tell they have been practicing hard for these performances!

Thank you to Shamar and Robert for volunteering to work at the Basque Club of Utah food booth selling chorizo sandwiches to raise funds for the Carmelite Monastery.

Basque Diaspora Day 2024

We celebrated Basque Diaspora Day with a Mini Mus Tournament and communal dinner at the park! Congratulations to Shamar Lejardi and Scott Berriochoa for taking 1st place, and Sonia Castañon and Tony Barajas for taking second place.

Thank you to Tony Barajas for chairing Mus and Catherine Barajas for chairing the event, thank you to all those who helped and to everyone who came, it was a nice evening to celebrate being Basque .

Basque Club of Utah Picnic 2024

The Basque Club of Utah's Annual Picnic was a fun summer day! We started with a beautiful mass, the Utah'ko Triskalariak put on a great performance, and we played the Jay Shortsleeve Memorial Horseshoe Tournament afterward.

Congratulations to Tony Barajas and Pantxo Aguerre who took 1st place, and Zachary Cendagorta and Xanti Echeverria who took 2nd.

Thank you to everyone who braved the heat to come together, to the collective group who chaired the Picnic, to Fr. Dave Van Massenhove for celebrating mass, and to the chefs (all of the food was delicious!)

Living Traditions Festival 2024

The Board of Directors would like to thank all the volunteers who helped at the club’s food booth at the 2024 Living Traditions Festival!

We had a good turnout of volunteers as well as people from the club who came to the booth to visit.  Special thank you to Trudy and Javier Guerricabeitia for leading the production and making the majority of the 3,184 croquetas we sold during the festival. They were delicious and we sold out of them in the final hours of the festival.  Thanks to those volunteers who each spent about 10 hours preparing the 85 gallons of churro dough the night before the festival.  We only had a small amount of dough left at the end of Sunday so we were able to sell churros right until the festival closed.

We also want to acknowledge the members who helped make signs for the booth, set up the payments system, the group who helped load/unload the trucks and set up the booth on Friday morning, those who filled the propane tanks for the grill and fryers, the more than 40 club members and friends of members who worked in the booth preparing and selling orders, and thanks to the crew who stayed after the end of the festival and helped pack up the materials from the booth into the trucks after the festival.

Last, thanks to the final few who came on Monday after the festival to clean the equipment and put things back into our storage unit. This event took hundreds of volunteer hours, and we couldn’t have done it without every volunteer! Once again, the festival seems to have been a successful fundraiser for our club.

The FIRST Basque Club of Utah TXOTX!

The Basque Club of Utah Txotx was a lot of fun! We had a packed house. Excellent food cooked by Jean and Monique Flesher. Sonia Castañon infused some Euskera into the evening through song. She printed the Basque lyrics,  along with their English translation, and the crowd sang together. Thank you to Scion Cider Bar for letting us use your space for our event, and Thank you to the employees at Scion who worked hard throughout the evening, serving drinks and food and also clearing off tables and washing dishes. Thank you to everyone who came early to help unload and set up and to those who helped load everything back up at the end. It was a great evening at our first Sagardotegi dinner and Txotx! Thank you to everyone who came and made this a memorable experience!! 

Korrika 2024

Korrika 2024 in Utah was a success!  We had a group of members, friends, and dogs join and do two laps around Sugarhouse Park together. Thank you to everyone who donated and to all those who participated in the event! We will be using the donations collected to further teach and use Euskara in our club. It’s only through participation that we can keep Euskara alive.

Special thanks to Sonia Castañon, Tony Barajas, Carina Barajas, and Shamar Lejardi for the work they put into the event, including making the Harro Herri neckerchiefs.

Odolki Jana 2024

On Saturday, March 4, we held our Odolki Jana (Blood Sausage Dinner,) and it was a fun event!Our Odolki Jana was a wonderful event! The weather wasn't great, but we still had a fun group of members brave the elements to join us.

We appreciate all who came out to try the sausages that were made by our members a week prior. Thank you to event chair Catherine Barajas, all the cooks, and everyone who helped with the event. The meal was delicious! 

This year, we had an educational activity created by Sonia Castañon, our Euskara director. We all learned about the tradition of making Blood Sausages as well as some new Basque words. Look at the educational flyer here.

We also held our Mini Mus Tournament that morning. Congratulations to Daniel Aguerre and Javier Zamora who won 1st place, and Shamar Lejardi and Johnny Cendagorta who won 2nd!

Odolki Egina 2024

Our annual Odolki Egina was on February 24, 2024. Our club members gathered to carry on the tradition of making blood sausage. It's a fun day full of tasty food, good laughs and good people. A week after the sausage is made, we have a dinner where all of our club members can enjoy the handmade odolkia.

40th Annual Dinner and Dance Fundraiser

WOW! Our 40th annual Dinner and Dance Fundraiser was a blast!  The big surprise of the night was the group dance performance featuring our original dance members from throughout the years, such a great tribute to commemorate 40 years!

We want to send out a huge thank you to all of the people and local businesses who donated to our silent auction, it was a huge success! We also want to thank everyone who supported the Basque Club of Utah by attending the event, and a HUGE thank you to all of our amazing volunteers, chefs, and members who made this event a night to remember!

Annual Christmas Party 2023

The Basque Club of Utah Christmas party was a wonderful evening filled with food, laughter, dancing, singing, and our joyful voices echoing off every wall. Thank you everyone for coming and making it such a memorable time! Special thanks to the Utah’ko Triskalariak for their performance and for setting up the tables, chairs, and decor; to Jay and Pilar Shortsleeve and Jean Flesher for providing the live music; and to our amazing volunteers who helped in the kitchen, at the bar, and with clean-up, we appreciate you!

Thanks also to Alise Skaggs and Caryn Larrinaga for chairing the event.

Basque Club Halloween Party 2023

Our annual Halloween party was held on October 21. We had an AMAZING turnout of people come to this event and we had a blast! There were lots of games including Basque Halloween Bingo, and of course, the food that was brought to the potluck was amazing! Thank you to everyone who came, to those who helped during the event, and to Catherine and Carina Barajas for chairing the event.

Goazen Bicycling Club

Club member Raphael Larrinaga hosted the first official ride of the Goazen Cycling Club on Sunday, September 24 with an 18-mile round-trip ride along Legacy Parkway Trail. They rode from the Mountain View Park Trailhead in Woods Cross to the Starbucks in Farmington Station and back (9 miles each way). They also had a little break for coffee and then they did their return leg. Goazen Txirrindu Taldea!